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This is what Lesbian-Gay

Bisexual Pride Day is all about

by Charlie Dale

I attended my first Cleveland LesbianGay-Bisexual Pride meeting on April 12 and volunteered to write this column on Pride, and what it means to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered and proud in this city.

First of all, let me say that I am an openly gay man who happens to be: HIV positive, in a loving committed relationship, involved on a community and city level, a female impersonator, and aware of how the commu-



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nity and the people in Cleveland interact with each other. It takes great courage and strength for any of us to be out in our lives, and for it has taken a great deal of work and effort. But it has been well worth everything.


Pride to me has always meant more than just one day out of the year where we march downtown and have a festival on Public Square. It is a major part of visible Pride but not the only source. I want to stress why Pride is and should be so important.

It all started twenty six years ago in New York at the Stonewall Bar. People got tired of being harassed, arrested and beat up by frequenting that bar and simply stood up to the oppression and did not take it any more. Patrons, bartenders, drag queens and their supporters filled the streets and fought with the police and anyone else who stood in their way of freedom.

Pride has always meant to me that we are marching for the simple civil rights we are entitled to; the right to legally marry our lovers, the right to fair housing, to have no discrimination involving our jobs or its security, the right to serve in the military, more funding and research to find the cure for AIDS, and finally, and most importantly, the right to live our lives honestly without fear or shame.

I encourage each and every person in Cleveland to take the time to get involved with Pride. I encourage and challenge each and every one of you to volunteer some of your time and talents to Pride. Our next meeting is April 26, 8:00 pm, at the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 1418 West 29th St. at Detroit Ave. The more of us who get involved, the better Pride Day will be for all of us.

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